Stove Heat Calculator
You're thinking of a new stove because you want to be warm.
A good starting place is to consider the heat output you require. A stove's heat output is specified in kilowatts (kW). One kilowatt is the amount of heat given out by a one-bar electric fire. That information by itself is not much use, however we have provided an online calculator which will work out for you the heat required based on the dimensions of your room.
Enter the room sizes in the boxes specified and then click the "Calculate" button. This gives an approximate output for use as an initial guide in selecting an appliance based on an outside temperature of -1°C. However we strongly recommend that a site survey is undertaken by an experienced stove installer before you make your purchase.
Click the following links below to be taken to the Stoves which are suitable to your heat calculation
Take me to Small Stoves Up To 5kW
Take me to Medium Stoves 6kW-9kW